And Now For Something Completely Different

March 9, 2006

From the 'meaningless tripe' folder…

Today I was looking for a fun rainy-day project. Nothing too terribly challenging – just something clever, inexpensive, and geeky. (Yes Lee, I do have too much time on my hands).

Submitted for your approval:

The premise behind the website is that website subscribers (free) upload projects with step-by-step instructions with photos and feedback from viewers. "What kind of projects" you ask?

My choice?

I noticed that the CDs tend to slip out if you cut the top off the floppy, so after the first couple of floppies, I started cutting the side opposite the notched cutout instead. Works like a champ. Holds DVDs too, so win-win.

If you've got a cool project that you'd like to share with the world, now you've got a place to upload it. And now I've wasted that two minutes of your life I warned you about. 😉

* The cool theme music from that episode of Rocketboom is by Tuhin Mehta – MP3 download or listen on You can also check out other 'Gizmodo Hard Drive Dying Dance Tracks' on