Hector Opens a Can on Craig

I’ll admit it. For years I was a die-hard Intel fan and thought of AMD as the red-headed step-child of the processor market. I would turn my nose up at an AMD faster than a Celeron!

But times change. And ever since I got my AMD Mobile Athlon 64 notebook PC last year, I’ve become a HUGE fan of AMD. I love this thing!. It’s fast, inexpensive, and runs quiet and cool. What’s not to love about AMD??

Well, the competition in the processor market is as hot as ever. And apparently Intel’s days of ‘player hatin’ on AMD have come to an end, or soon will:

AMD Sues Intel — Alleges Unfair Trade Practices

AMD dropped a 48-page complaint against Intel (this thing reads like a conspiracy theory novel) and is running full-page ads in half a dozen newspapers in key US markets to gather the public on it’s side. It’ll be interesting to see what effect all this has on chip prices.

Personally, in the AMD vs. Intel battle, I’m rooting for the consumers to win. But if this turns out like all the other technology titan Sumo matches, the only winners will be the lawyers.

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